
Active Shooter – What you need to know..

Yesterday I attended a program on Active Shooter training –not for schools, but for COMPANIES.
He talked about how training is critical to prepare people HOW to respond. Because without it, people will “FREEZE UP” and fail to act that can result in more deaths.
For example, he cited a security guard who saw a employee point a gun at his head, then go into the building after he ran away. Instead of notifying anyone, he paced back and forth for 5 minutes, doing NOTHING. He had not been trained properly. His brain “froze” and he didn’t know what to do. The shock of a gun in his face had un-nerved him.
But here is the key thing: EVERYONE needs the training, not just security or the owner. When students were startled by a surprise mock attack by a gun-man, many sat in their desks, texting mom and dad!
Holy crap Batman, MOVE! JUMP! RUSH OUT. DO something! Don’t just sit there being a target while you call home. First RUN. Then HIDE. If you are facing an attacker with no escape route FIGHT! If he stops to reload, that’s your time to either fight or flee.
Installing hurricane film, Chase Bank, Long Island NY
Armor Glass film is being used on storefronts and on glass in schools to delay shooters from blowing out the glass and walking in one second later. Our product keeps them at the entrance longer, where police can see them and engage. But people need more than our protection for these horrible events.
They need to know WHAT TO DO when this happens – because it keeps happening. Simple “table top exercises” are meaningless because they don’t show people how to act under stress. Stress exposure training is a vital component, like the pilot who learns how to handle an airplane in a stall until the reaction is automatic.
Last comment. Don’t ever have a practice drill that no one knows about. That leads to disaster (not to mention possible heart attacks.) Professionals make sure everyone is aware of a drill LONG BEFORE it is scheduled.
Look for a consultant who knows the protocols to use.

Vital Items for Your Storm Emergency Kit

When storms hit these are 3 things to include in your Storm Emergency Kit.

No. 1. Hurricanes and tornadoes destroy building when wind-borne debris breaks the weakest link, the glass. Those winds look for a way out and the easy way out is to uplift the roof. That immediately allows internal damages from flying glass and water, mold, etc. So, “armor that glass” with our 8 mil Clear (cuts 21% of solar heat) or Solar tint (cuts 50% of solar heat) which is hurricane-explosion-large missile impact-rated.  No need to “board up!” And, as you can see, it can fit any size glass of any shape. It even curves!

When Hurricane IKE and Harvey hit Houston, people lost power for days – some for two weeks. The same happened when Hurricane Michael hit Florida.  When IKE cut my power, I had to plug it into my car charger and hope I didn’t run out of gas or run down my battery.

No. 2. So I found this solar charger for cell phones.

No. 3. But then I found something even better – a device on Amazon that is a radio, a cell phone charger, a flashlight, and a siren. It can charge by hand-crank, sun-power and it also has a place for a battery (even recharge-ables).  This device is small enough to take on trips or camping so you don’t run out of phone power in event of an emergency. This will give people weather information and keep their phones working when there is no other power.

Get prepared!  When the storm comes its too late to call or go shopping for emergency supplies.


TORNADO Outbreak

Armor Glass film is not just for hurricane protection or keeping shooters from breaching the glass. It can also protect from vicious TORNADOES.

Tornadoes kill building just like hurricanes. They throw windborne debris though the glass. That instantly UPLIFTS the roof and its goodbye building.  If you “armor the glass” your building has a better chance of surviving those winds then with regular glass–like this high rise in Dallas that had windows stripped out by tornado winds.

TEXAS actually has the HIGHEST number of reports of Tornadoes (131) according to this NOAA report.

Our 8 mil film has passed the ASTM 1886/1996 Large Missile Impact test (4.5 lb. Level C).  Compare that to what happens when a two x four hits a regular double-pane glass window in the photo below–it goes through the unprotected window, but stops at the window with Armor Glass film bonded to the frame!

Moral? Armor Your Glass today! Get a Free Quote: