Armor Glass® certified window security film protects your windows from breaches by burglars, hurricane-force storms, hail, golf balls, explosions, and active shooters while also cutting solar heat and harmful UV, saving enough energy to pay for itself over time.
It’s the same film used on Washington DC Federal buildings after 9/11 including the Pentagon and has passed the ASTM 1886/1996 Large Missile Impact Test (4.5 lb. Level “C”) and GSA3b/3a Level 2 Blast certified for explosions.
Armor Glass Security Films are working 24/7 year-round to keep your home or business burglar–resistant and safe for a fraction of the cost of impact glass and shutters. Thin 2 mil solar film does not provide this protection. 8 Mil Armor Glass solar security film does.
Glass is the weakest link of every building, easily broken by flying debris in a storm or a guy with a brick. Armor Glass Security Films “armor the glass” you must harden the envelope to protect the building and occupants inside from unwanted intrusion, damages, injury, or even death.
Studies show that once the glass is breached by flying debris, the winds pressurize the building, uplifting the roof and pushing the walls out. The study confirmed that if you save the window from the breach, you save the building from structural failure and internal damages from wind, rain, mold, etc.
Burglars love glass because, with just one hit, it fails and they can be inside in a second and gone in a couple of minutes, long before police can arrive. Our security films “armor the glass” to provide a barrier, so penetration becomes difficult and time-consuming to the point they give up without entering the premises.
Shooters can blow out a school or store window in a second or two. Armor Glass security films won’t stop the bullet, but it will stop the shooter from entering, delaying them at the glass entrance (or window) where the police can see them and engage and giving time for those inside to take shelter. Without Armor Glass protection, shooters would be inside the school in some hallway filled with students and teachers in less than two seconds.